
Hi FAU Bloggers,

Let's talk language:)

So, I speak English as a first language even though I'm technically Welsh (I was born in Wales). However, my Grandparents on my mother's side were Irish and on my Dad's side with a connection to the Campbell clan in Scotland. I don't speak Welsh, which is a Celtic language, and I tend to describe myself as a British "kiltro."

As a child I went to a Catholic School. I had Latin lessons but learnt no Latin and French lessons and learnt no French. My next attempt at learning a foreign language was Spanish almost 15 years after leaving school. At age 29, I went to live in Spain in search of a new life (after 6 years trying to be a musician). I knew about 10 Spanish words when I arrived in Spain and it took me about 6 months before I began to speak any Spanish. People were happy that I only spoke English because they had the chance to practice with me but I became curious about Spanish and I really wanted to learn it. Now, 35 years later, I speak Chilean Spanish but I still make lots of mistakes. Nevertheless, It's not somthing that bother's me that much because I know that the only thing that mattters is communicating an idea - not necessarily being a great language learner.

After learning Spanish, I also learnt Italian. In recent years I have tried my hand at Japanese and Chinese but the older you get the harder it is to learn a language (you become too busy and too set in your ways) This is the main message I try to convey to my students. Take advantage of the time dedicated to studying a language while you can. 

In my opinion, the way you learn a language is by using it (listening/reading) or doing it (speaking/writing). 

When I lived in Spain, I learnt a lot by watching news and then reading about the same news item in a Spanish newspaper. I also watched things I was interested in (like football) with Spanish comentators so I learnt more technical vocabulary. Finally, with my Spanish partner, I watched "telenovelas" (I think my favourite was "Abigail"), and with my partner's nephew I read "Dragonball". 

Nowadays, I tend to speak more English & "Spanglish" than Spanish (my wife speaks to me in Chinese 50% of the time!!!) which means my Spanish is a little rusty. 

Okay, it's time for you to talk about your language learning experience with English.


When you first started learning English,

What you find easy and/or complicated,

What you do to practice out of class,

What things you enjoy doing in English class,

Whether you think English will be useful in the future (why/why not),

What aspects of English culture you find interesting.

Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.If you finish. Please find a Guardian article to read and leave a link to the article on my blog:)



  2. Was it hard to learn the chilean idiom?? Sometimes even I get confused by it

  3. Which is your favorite word of the chilean spanish?

  4. what do you think about chilean spanish? many people say that it is difficult to understand us.

  5. hjsjsj how amusing that your wife speaks to you in Chinese, I would also like to learn but her pronunciations are endless.


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