A Chilean Landmark

Hi there FAU Bloggers:

As a continuation of last week's Chile-themed post, today I'd like you to write about a Chilean building or a landmark that you like. I've opted for a landmark I visited a few years ago, "the Marble Caves" on General Carrera Lake near Coyhaique. I went with my wife and her mum to celebrate my wife's birthday. Up until that point, the furthest South I'd travelled was Chiloe and I was really eager to see what the landscape was like.
Well, it was amazing, the area surrounding Coyhaique is beautiful and, for my taste, the most beautiful place of all was the Marble Caves. It's a 4 or 5 hour drive from Coyhaique to General Carrera Lake. A lot of the route is unpaved and also winding and bumpy. The boat tour to the caves departs from Puerto Tranquillo - a tiny village that is basically 2 shops, a petrol station and 5 or 6 little businesses offering boat trips to the caves. We were lucky with the weather, it was mid-September and the sit was really sunny with very little wind. However, once we got out on the lake it became quite cold. It took about 20 minutes or so to reach the caves. They were only us and another couple on the boat so we had plenty of time to look around and take photos. I guess summer would be a better time to visit because the water-line is lower and you can go further into the caves with the boat as more caverns are exposed. However, I think the bad thing about going in the summer would be the amount of boats. We only saw one other while we were out on the lake but I'm sure there would be dozens during the high season. It's hard to describe how beautiful the caves are because it has to do with both the experience and the environment. It was amazingly peaceful and quiet, just the sound of the water lapping against the boat and the rocks. The lake is also really, really impressive.  It's huge! The high cliffs on the far side of the lake fall steeply to the lakeside and look as if they disappear into the water. Hopefully I'll get the chance to return one day. In the meantime, I have a wonderful memory of a beautiful landmark:)

Write about a Chilean building or landmark you like.
Where it is,
When you visited it,
Who you went with,
What you did there,
Why you like it, 

What makes the landmark special.

Mention anything else you thing is interesting. Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


  1. wow, it sounds very interesting the trip you made and the photo of the marble caves is beautiful :)

    1. It was a great trip (apart from nearly driving into the lake!!!)

  2. the marbel caves are very beautiful, I visited them in 2016 with my mom jejej

  3. I would love to visit the Marble Caves one day

  4. How nice everything is, I hope to go on some vacation!

    1. Do it! As they say, travel broadens the horizon

  5. The south of Chile has beautiful landscapes, my dream is to be able to go, have you had the opportunity to travel to Torres del Paine o Milodon's Cave?

  6. Wow it looks gorgeous, its my dream to get to know that place someday!!!

  7. That's sounds great, it's so beautiful. This is definitely one of the places I look forward to visiting the most in the country.

  8. I will always envy you for your various trips, but don't worry, at some point I will travel and get to know Chile as much as you do


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