Bye-Bye Bloggers

 Hi Fau Bloggers,

This is your final post so I'd like you to write a reflective post about your semester in FAU.

My semester was a little up & down but on the whole I feel content. I only taught English 4 and participated in a CFG on Manga & Anime. I've been participating on the Manga & Anime course since 2013 when I started it with Diego Vallejos, an urbanism teacher from FAU. However, since 2015 my participation has shrunk because we have an ex-student of the course in 2014 doing the course because he is an expert on the subject. He literally knows everything there is to know about manga & anime.

What else? I'm finding interesting getting into the new post-pandemic semester breakdown. I find there were lots of stops and starts, fiestas patrias, a few public holidays, autonomous study weeks. If I were a student, I think I'd have problems managing my time. I'm not always good at managing my own schedule when it's constantly changing. I've be interested to hear what you guys think (comment section maybe?) 

I have enjoyed my English 4 classes. I really appreciate the fact that most of you realise the importance of "speaking" in English in order to learn it. I know it's easy to get engrossed in a story of an explication and break into your mother tongue but, you generally made the effort to do the activities as required. I also enjoyed reading your blogs as its a great way to learn more about you all from your posts. I hope you managed to see improvement in your writing. 

Anyway, for your final post, please write about your semester.


What subjects you enjoyed the most, and why,

Which subjects you found complicated or boring, and why,

Your best moment of the semester, why you enjoyed it,

Your best mark and your worst mark,

A person you enjoyed working with and why,

A resolution for next semester.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

ps. Follow fautoday on Instagram!


  1. I think that the organization of time in architecture is very important not to be always behind, there are weeks when there are not many things to do, but there are others when there are too many things at the same time, that makes me miss the dynamics of online classes (like everything everywhere all at once).

    1. Yeah. That dynamic sounds complicated. Especially trying to motivate yourself.

  2. This semester is very complicatedbec, because i haven´t been good

  3. I will miss our talks about music and football before you start your class

    1. Me too! I hope we find time to chat outside of class time.

  4. I always have problems managing my time on holidays or autonomous weeks

  5. i believe that organization is fundamental in most areas of life.

  6. I think a good idea to get organized is to use planners, there are monthly, weekly and daily, it helps a lot to organize your time.

  7. yes personal i think have a good organization is so importante for the college, especially for the careers in fau

  8. I think that these types of holidays and autonomous weeks, etc, serve to be able to catch up on work many time and also get a little distracted

  9. I also enjoyed the english classes very much, I like the way he ordered and directed them, it was very interesting!! thanks :)


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