A Job

 Good Morning Blogheads!

Today I'd like you to write about a job you'd like to do. Actually, I'd done a lot of jobs in my time. When I was a young boy I did several part time jobs. I did a paper round, then I worked in a Butcher's shop cleaning dirty refrigerators and finally I worked in a Clothes' Shop selling jeans. My first full-time job was as a Laboratory Assistant and 3-months later I was promoted to Laboratory Technician (Wow!!). Since then I've worked running a rehearsal studio, as a photographer, a photographer's assistant, a DJ, a lorry driver's assistant, a waiter, a musician, a warehouse technician, a barman, a Language Learning Centre assistant, a Course Director, a summer school teacher, a High School teacher, an examiner and no doubt some other things that I can't remember at the moment. However, I think the job I would like to do most is to be a free-lance music producer. I love to work with music and creating new things in the studio would be a great way to spend my time, especially if I was getting paid for it. I think the main quality you need for this job is to have a good ear for music. However, you also need to hear what isn't there, as well as being able to imagine how a song or piece of music would sound with different arrangements.
There are many producers that I admire, Norman Whitfield, Curtis Mayfield, Brian Eno and David Bowie are just a few I could mention. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to work in a professional studio with me being in charge although I have recorded independently in smaller studios or using non-professional equipment. Currently I use software like Ableton Live to make music but I don't actually spend a great deal of time on the production. Luckily, it terms of actually producing the music I make I don't do very much. Nevertheless, I have had some good results (and some good comments from other musicians). There are lots of tips on Instagram or YouTube but unfortunately I'm too busy making music to take advantage of them (lol).

Write about a job you would like to do.
What job it is,
Why you like this job,
What qualities you need to do this job well,
Why you think you would be good at this job,
Which person who does this job is your inspiration

What you could do to learn more about this job.

Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

If you finish. Please find a web page or YouTube video about the job you mention and post it here.


  1. I hope someday you have the opportunity to do your dream job!

    1. I think I´ve missed my chance (lol).I´m a bit too old now.

  2. the music is a job very cute and entertaining, sould try

  3. wow! youve had several jobs and all very different!!

  4. I really admire brian eno, he is not human

    1. Yes. He is very creative. He was my brother´s thesis supervisor when he was at University.

  5. How was cleaning dirty refrigerators? I like this blog!

    1. Horrible. In the summer the smell of dead meat attracted lots of wasps. Maybe that´s why I´m vegan now.

  6. Yes, Bowie had a good ear. I think there is a lot of Mick Ronson´s influence om Transformer.

  7. I find all the varied jobs you did very interesting!

  8. wow, has done many jobs, its very interesting

  9. Im impressed with the amount of jobs that you have had, your CV must be so long!!


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